Why Give Back?

As this year draws to a close, many contemplate resolutions and plans for the future. Yet in order to successfully move forward, we must first acknowledge where we are at present and what we have accomplished to date. This often cultivates a sense of appreciation in our lives – whether for family or friends, for abundance, for our love of nature, for something unexpectedly good that came our way this year… and this evokes a desire to give back.

In faith traditions there is a strong value of repair of the world – what we call in Hebrew tikkun olam. So giving back is not only a feel good thing, it may also be an obligation.

In talking with people, I have heard these responses as to why they give back:

 “I owe it to the world – life’s been pretty good to me.”

 “I feel whole when I help others to feel whole and cared for.”

 “I was raised to think of others, particularly during the holiday season.”

 “We grew up poor, and because of that, I am sensitive to the needs of others.”

Some people note that giving back is a way of saying thank you, while others say, quite simply, that it gives them joy. Some say that giving back helps them feel connected to others, or possibly even to the greatness that is creation. This might be summed up in the words of Albert Einstein, who said, “Only a life lived for others is worthwhile.”

This is a beautiful statement. How often do we go through our day hoping we will make it through and complete all of our commitments and deadlines – with such single-mindedness that we don’t even lift our heads to see the others around us? Someone might smile to us in kindness or look to us with need, and yet we are so absorbed that we are totally unaware. If we begin to see ourselves connected to others as part of the great big web that is all life, we might recognize that as we engage in addressing our commitments and deadlines, we are in constant relationship with others. Then we might notice how much more fulfilling it is for us to tend to our responsibilities with awareness and caring for those around us.

That is what we do here at In the Gardens. We work to give back for the bounty we receive as a way of sharing our good fortune. We also give back because it is humanly just for all to have enough and for all to be treated with equity and respect. We invite you to share in our mission and give back this season through a donation to the work of In the Gardens.

May you and yours be blessed with abundance enough to share and may you find the value of a life that includes caring for others.

With blessings for a year of wholeness, sharing and abundance for all,

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Rabbi Robin Damsky


Growing Food Grows Us


Bringing out the Light