Blog: Musings on the Earth, Mindful Living, and our Connections

It’s Spring at In the Gardens!

It’s Spring at In the Gardens!

Spring is springing! I don’t know about you, but I thought it would never arrive. We’ve been seeing parsley now for awhile, even pushing through the snow, but today its delicate frills have been joined by greening-up sage leaves, red-veined sorrel, onion spears, lots of green...

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Unexpected Interweavings

Unexpected Interweavings

Life is filled with unexpected interweavings, cycles and circles. I experienced some of these this past week on my JMMTT – Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training – at Isabella Freedman retreat center and farm. Nestled in the woods of Falls Village, CT, about 90 minutes from the nearest airport, the center boasts trails and a pond, several greenhouses, a large network of yards and structures for goats and chickens, and extensive fields for produce and fruit orchards.

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Welcome to In the Gardens!
Caring for the Soul Robin Damsky Caring for the Soul Robin Damsky

Welcome to In the Gardens!

Welcome to In the Gardens and our new blog. We have been awhile in the making. One year and one concussion later, we are finally launching our website and we are proud of it!

In our blog we will be musing (short posts, mostly!) on topics that relate to the earth and gardening, to mindfulness practice and mindful living, and to our interconnectedness – each of us to one another. It is our experience that working the earth helps to bring us

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